Numbers Games

Find the Number

Leap Year

Array of Numbers

Grow your Number

Your are Average

Letters Games

Reverse the Sentance

UpperCase Everywhere

Numbers or Letters ?

Joke of the Day

My To Do List


Numbers Games

Find the Number

Leap Year

Array of Numbers

Grow your Number

Your are Average

Letters Games

Reverse the Sentance

UpperCase Everywhere

Numbers or Letters ?

Joke of the Day

My To Do List


The Joke Of The Day

Here you can read the joke of the day.

Or you can choose to read a random joke from our library

Upload a new joke


The To Do list

Type here what you want to add to your list

Numbers Games

Guess The Right Number

Guess if it's higher or lower

There is 100 more choice to decide wich number is the right one !

Lets Begin by writing your guessed number !

Lets Begin by writing your wanted year !

Find The Leap Year

Type the wanted year and find out if it's a leap year.

A Leap Year has 366 days, it occur every 4 years !

Biggest and Smallest Number of an Array

Find the biggest and smallest number in the array.

You can set the value of each element in the array of set a random value.

Lets Begin by writing your guessed number !

Lets Begin by writing your wanted number !

Number multiplied by itself

Type the wanted number and calcul the value of its square.

You can set the wanted value of your number and find out the value of the number multiplied by itself

Avergage Number in an Array

Find the average number in the array.

You can set the value of each element in the array of set a random value.

Lets Begin by writing your guessed number !

Simple Calcul- ator

Type the wanted number and calcul the value using operators.

This simple calculator allows you to sum, substract, multiply, divide and check the rest of a division by a number.

Simple temperature converter

Find the temperature's value

Type your wanted temperature in Celsium and it will be displayed in Fahrenheit

Lets Begin by writing your guessed temperature value !

Letters Games

Lets Begin by writing your wanted sentence !

Reverse order Sentence

Type the wanted sentence and the reversed one will be displayed.

You can type all the character needed in the sentence. After you click on the button the sentence will be displayed in the reverse order.

Sentence in upper case

Type the wanted sentence and it will be display in upper case.

You can type all the character needed in the sentence. After you click on the button the sentence will be displayed in upper case.

Lets Begin by writing your wanted sentence !